Many Helping Hands 365

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Help Many Helping Hands 365 harness the power of community service to inspire and build an equitable community in Cambridge.

Since 2011, Many Helping Hands 365 (MHH365) has harnessed the power of community service to inspire and cultivate an equitable community in Cambridge, most notably through the annual Cambridge MLK Day of Service and Learning. Donations during MLK Day will be shared with MHH365’s key community partners, My Brother’s Keeper Cambridge and the YWCA Cambridge.

On MLK Day, thousands of volunteers from all backgrounds come together to honor the life, the work, and the legacy of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., following his exhortation: "Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve." The work of MHH365, with donations from community volunteers, reaches more than 10,000 children, teens, and adults annually, through partnerships with more than 90 non-profits and agencies. MHH365’s other community programs include Earth Day events and programming, the Mothers’ Day Diaper and Period Product Drive and the annual Cambridge Gift Cards for Guns, a Safer Homes, Safer Community Initiative. As an all volunteer-created and managed organization, MHH365 relies on gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations, to operate and continue mobilizing action all year round.

Thank you very much for your support.

If you would like to mail a check, please write “Many Helping Hands 365” in the memo and send it to: Cambridge Community Foundation, 99 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139.

For more information, or for other ways to donate, please contact Michal Rubin at

The Cambridge Community Foundation is grateful to partner with Many Helping Hands 365. They may contact donors to the fund with notes of gratitude and periodic updates. If you do not wish to be contacted in this regard, please email:

Photo by Randy Goodman.