Virginia M. and George E. Wilson Campers Fund

Virginia M. and George E. Wilson Campers Fund image




In Loving Memory of Virginia "Ginny" M. Wilson

Thank you for your generosity, gratefully received in loving memory of Virginia "Ginny" M. Wilson (1937-2023).

The Virginia M. and George E. Wilson Campers Fund provides under-served children with fun, healthy summer experiences and opportunities to thrive. Thank you for your support of this work.

The Virginia M. and George E. Wilson Campers Fund is a donor advised fund at the Cambridge Community Foundation.

(EIN #: 046012492)

If you would like to mail a check, please write “Virginia M. and George E. Wilson Campers Fund” in the memo and send it to: Cambridge Community Foundation, 99 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139.

Please note that gifts from IRAs to donor-advised funds are not eligible for treatment as Qualified Charitable Distributions for federal tax purposes.

For more information, or for other ways to donate, please contact Michal Rubin at

Original photo provided by Cambridge Camping Association, a grant recipient of the Virginia M. and George E. Wilson Campers Fund.