Falcon Pride Scholarship Fund

Join us in supporting our Cambridge students

Falcon Pride Scholarship Fund image




Join us in supporting our Cambridge students

Envisioned by parents and alumni of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS), in partnership with the Cambridge Community Foundation, the Falcon Pride Scholarships are designed to support CRLS students who have the determination and passion to pursue postsecondary education but do not have the needed financial resources.

Your gift to the Falcon Pride Scholarship Fund will enable us to fulfill our goal of ensuring that graduates of CRLS who depend on financial aid to attend – and persist in – postsecondary education, can receive it. Working closely with the school, we ensure that our targeted, multi-year scholarships reach the kids that are most in need of them – kids who have not received aid through other scholarships and whose financial circumstances would likely be a barrier to completing their college degrees.

To learn more about the scholars and the community that supports them, please visit our Falcon Pride Scholarship page.

Header photo of Alysia, Naomi, and Amanuel, three CRLS Class of 2021 graduates belonging to the newest cohort of Falcon Pride Scholars. Photo taken by Kristen Joy Emack.

Class of 2021 college graduates, Narinka and Roodeline, who are two of the first cohort of Falcon Pride Scholars to graduate from postsecondary education. Photo taken by Kristen Joy Emack.

The Falcon Pride Scholarship Fund is a Fund at the Cambridge Community Foundation.

(EIN #: 046012492)

If you would like to mail a check, please write “Falcon Pride Scholarship Fund” in the memo and send it to: Cambridge Community Foundation, 99 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139.

For more information, or for other ways to donate, please contact Michal Rubin at mrubin@Cambridgecf.org.

We are grateful to partner with community partners, on the Falcon Pride Scholarship Fund. They may contact donors to the fund with notes of gratitude and periodic updates. If you do not wish to be contacted in this regard, please email: eackerson@Cambridgecf.org